Staff Meetings

Staff Meeting Mod 

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Staff Meeting Every Day “To-Dos” 


When it comes to leading effective business meetings, there’s a daily checklist that ensures smooth proceedings. Structured and streamlined meetings are vital, adapting to the week’s pace and demands. Staff meetings hold remarkable value, fostering team cohesion and camaraderie, while also serving as a pivotal tool for leaders to assess progress and nurture our team culture.

  1. Commence with Positivity: Initiate the meeting with a dose of positivity, allowing team members to share personal victories and accomplishments, establishing an upbeat tone for the session.
  2. Tackle Challenges: Provide a platform for leaders to openly address challenges they’re encountering, fostering a collaborative atmosphere to collectively brainstorm solutions and extend mutual support.
  3. Review Staff Numbers: Present an overview of company performance via staff numbers, enabling location leaders to swiftly gauge progress. Collect and assess staff sheets to monitor individual and team achievements.
  4. Evaluate Upgrade Logs: Analyze each studio’s upgrade progress, ensuring location leaders are held accountable for meeting their performance targets.
  5. Special Event Checklist: Attend upcoming special events by equipping leaders with a step-by-step checklist, confirming task completion and preparations during the meeting.
  6. Instructor Reminders and Announcements: Communicate details about forthcoming events for the month, along with expectations and required actions from the staff, fostering alignment and clarity.
  7. Upcoming Promotional Events: Discuss promotional events, guiding leaders on which events should be relayed to students and ensuring a consistent message across the board.
  8. Checklists and Cash: Collect checklists, cash, receipts, and other pertinent items from location leaders, reinforcing accountability and preparing for subsequent audits.


Staff Meeting Tasks on Rotation 

Rotating Tasks Overview: Let’s begin by discussing the rotating tasks listed for staff meetings.

  1. BBE Sheets – Black Belt Excellence Sheets: This involves reminding instructors to distribute the monthly homework called Black Belt Excellence Sheets which is a form of homework for the students. Upon submission, students receive a stripe on their belt, which progresses them towards testing. As upper management, we emphasize printing these sheets during weekly staff meetings.
  2. Focus Exam Sheets: Once every quarter, instructors need to remember to print these sheets. These sheets are crucial for testing purposes and outline what the students require.
  3. Awards/Trophies: During the first meeting of the month, take the opportunity to recognize and commend staff members. This recognition should be public and acknowledged during comprehensive corporate training.
  4. Pop Quiz: Monthly, we engage in an impromptu acknowledgment of a staff member who has achieved something fun and noteworthy. This mechanism fosters individualized attention. Details about such accomplishments are usually collected through the “Get to Know You” form during staff onboarding.
  5. Quotes – “Get Paid to Read Program”: Within our “Get Paid to Read Program,” there are specific books staff members are expected to read or listen to. Once a month, we procure a prize and share a quote from these books. The first person to identify the quote wins the prize.
  6. WBBB – White Belt Buddy Bash: This pertains to a celebration for new students known as the White Belt Buddy Bash. Instructors must establish communication with new parents, and this is the management’s chance to offer a reminder.


Example Staff Meetings